Reading Signs
Are birds falling from the leaves? The sun is right and shining. I hear howls. Should I believe in signs? I’ve got a row of hibiscus...

Building a Work Shop
This is an idea for remodeling my office, which is now underway, so please bear with me. I bought a desk from kNickonwood.com The wood is...

Secret Sauce for contentious Presidential elections
Fear and Loathing ran down Page One of the Sunday New York Times today (9 August 2020). In a prominently placed article above the fold...

It's October, Surprise!
How a Desperate Trump Will Win on November 3, 2020 This election is Trump's last chance. The way forward for him occurred to me as I was...

Space Force
The White House has been flogging a new armed service, and it's now official. We have a Space Force to augment the military. Sorry for...

dystopia or Dystopia?
Dystopia or not to dystopia, and what is the difference? Dystopia with a capital D departs from reality: The Living Dead for instance....

Ghost in the Machine
My Intellectual Prosthetic I discovered the ghost in my computer back in 1987 when I realized I used my PC like an intellectual...

Come in From the Code
If you think about it, words are ciphers: 26 shapes and symbols we decipher into sentences. Exercising our enciphering power (writing)...

Not the Day You Imagined
The day after a fourth generation nuclear bomb blasts a hole in Mid-town Manhattan, but leaves no radiaton.

The Handmaid's Tale Reconsidered
Thinking about why TV turned the Handmaid’s Tale on its head, I re-read the book, a beautifully written dystopian tale of the last...